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Nidovac™ Clot-act GEL Tube is available globally with a proprietary Thermo-stable Gel. Inside the Gel material is given at most care so that it behaves at best when used with autoloader and probe aspiration.

special thermo-stable Gel material used in Nidovac™ Gel Vacuum tubes ensure that gel remains in solid state even after centrifugation and produce ‘Zero’ Gel globules.

Nidovac™ GEL/ Clot-activator tubes are specially designed with internal wall of tube coated with surfactant; tube wall also undergoes BIONIC TREATMENT resulting in glass-like smoothness.

This results in clearer separation of serum sample. The Bionic treatment for tube wall also ensures that the cells don’t stick to the wall of the tubes from inside resulting in reduction for RED-CELL HANG-UPS.

special thermo-stable Gel material used in Nidovac™ Gel Vacuum tubes ensure that gel remains in solid state even after centrifugation and produce ‘Zero’ Gel globules.

Mode of action:

Clot-activator helps increase the clotting process expediting the formation of Fibrinogen to Fibrin eventually leading to clotting of blood and serum can be extracted after complete clotting and centrifugation process.

The GEL material with its thixotropic nature moves up upon centrifugation. This GEL settles down between Serum and residual clot, forming and the solid barrier between supernatant serum and the clot.

4-5 times gentle inversion cycle.

Code Volume Size Additive Packing
NVCG035 3.5 ml 13 x 75 mm Gel + ClotAct 100 x 12
NVCG050 5.0 ml 13 x 100 mm Gel + ClotAct 100 x 12